Oh Captain, my Captain!
You dream of the open sea at the helm of a boat, imagining yourself as Ulysses, Tabarly, or Columbus! Like in ancient times, passionate about travel, you seek to discover new horizons. With your crew, “sole master on board after God,” you thrive on the water at the helm of a boat. Whether it’s a simple excursion on an inflatable or a transatlantic journey on a sailing ship, you become both explorer, pilot, and leader of men. Master & Commander during a navigation, you bear a noble responsibility and are “in charge of souls” when it comes to your crew.
1. Your responsibility is immense, you have duties others do not have
Beyond the passion that drives every outing at sea, be aware that maritime law holds you civilly and criminally responsible, and serious and proven misconduct could land you in jail. As the Captain, remember that you also have a duty to assist any sailor in danger, provided, of course, that it does not pose significant risks to your crew. Thanks to your foresight and clarity, a new trail of joy and freedom will soon be traced on the waves, or conversely, you could create conditions of panic and chaos.

2. How to ensure you're up to the task?
At Safetics, we are aware of the stakes on your shoulders as Skipper or Second ready to take the helm in an emergency. Since 2014, we have compiled in our waterproof and regulatory pocket guide, the Sailor’s Checklist, the best safety tips at sea for every situation.
We have organized and tested them in the form of simple checklists, ranked by urgency and usable in action. Whether you are a young skipper or an old sea dog, we have also crafted for you, on the occasion of this article, the list of 10 indispensable points: 10 commandments before any outing at sea.

3. The 10-point checklist before setting sail
After going through the checklists for preparing the boat, crew, and navigation, and before turning the key in the engine and casting off, here is the final checklist of 10 key points, very useful, and ideally to be known by heart. You can recite it out loud to ensure you haven’t skipped anything in your preparation:
This final checklist before departure is directly inspired by the one my pilot-instructor made me learn in 2008 before every takeoff during my PPL – Private Pilot License – training for single-engine aircraft. At that time, once seated in the cockpit, after completing pre-flight checklists and positioning the plane at the runway end, I had to remember the following elements: “Compass – Heading Indicator – Lights – Pump – Flaps – Canopy.”

It would be tedious to go into technical explanations here, but forgetting one of these 6 actions in pre-takeoff checks could lead to a crash in the first 20 seconds of a flight on a light aircraft. Similarly, these 10 commandments we offer you are a checklist to ensure serene navigation.
The 10 commandments engraved in this checklist:
☑ Commandment 1: HUMILITY
Are you 100% sure that you will not be departing in dangerous conditions for you and your crew? If not, urgently open the Sailor’s Checklist or postpone your navigation, because remember, accidents don’t only happen to others.
Have you appointed a second who can assist you, take the helm, and help you if you encounter a problem?
☑ Commandment 3: THE CHART
Have you thoroughly studied the nautical chart – both electronic and paper – and planned your navigation, including ports and coves for refuge thanks to Navily in case of trouble?
☑ Commandment 4: THE WEATHER
Have you thoroughly studied the marine weather and its 3 V’s – Wind, Waves, and Visibility – before heading out to sea?
☑ Commandment 5: THE TIDES
Have you thoroughly studied and noted, except in the Mediterranean, the tide schedules and their impact on water heights and currents?
☑ Commandment 6: THE EQUIPMENT
Have you thoroughly checked the boat and its safety equipment, including the proper functioning of essential life jackets, GPS, and VHF?
☑ Commandment 7: THE CREW
Have you gathered your crew before departure to inform them of the navigation plan and ensure they are fit to sail with you?
☑ Commandment 8: LAND CONTACT
Have you informed a contact on land of your navigation plan with instructions to raise the alarm if you have not returned at the appointed time?
☑ Commandment 9: LOGBOOK
Do you have a logbook with you, and have you already noted the key elements of the navigation: date, crew, weather forecasts, tide schedules?
Have you thoroughly gone through and validated the checklists and advice of Safetics the Sailor’s Checklist with your second?

At Safetics, we are convinced that human factors are a source of risk that must be controlled through the use of checklists validated by experts and previously tested in action.
Our 10 commandments are an additional mantra to help you avoid oversights, denials, and approximations that can be fatal. We wish you to keep them close to your heart to achieve the most beautiful navigations and fulfill your Skipper vocation!
Guillaume de Corbiac and the Safetics team